Monday, December 24, 2007

Hausherr is violating copyrights and degrading others

Hausherr is violating copyrights and degrading others

In 1998, attorneys representing the Church of Scientology sent a letter to Hausherr, telling him to remove altered Scientology images from his Web site. Hausherr had altered copyright-protected
images belonging to the Church including changing the Scientology "S" to a dollar sign,
as well as elongating the nose of the president of the organization, an image intended to
evoke comparison to Pinocchio. In the course of the dispute Compuserve, which was hosting the pages
and altered images, blocked his website for TOS violation. Hausherr defended his site,
saying "It's just a page making fun of Scientology..."

He also makes "fun" on me by trying to destroy my life with defamation and falsehoods.

His flattering Wikipedia profile was mainly written by himself and his very close friends as habitual offender Korey Jerome Kruse aka Vivaldi.

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