Monday, December 24, 2007

Hausherr's sporgery crap...

He "coins" a word that babies babble before they can speak.

I never used his dumb word, and this little creepy German agent isn't allowed to crawl in my way of thinking. He pulled the words spam and forgery together. And they don't fit together. I explain it to you:

nobody likes an e-mail account full with unsolicited e-mail - but spam filters can take care of that. The Gmail spam filter is really good.

The anti-spam craze on the Internet has taken over, despite that numerous American judges rightfully recognized that anti-spam laws are unconstitutional as people have a right to speak out. What one person understands as spam is the other person's right to speak up. The solution to "spam" is easy. If you don't want to read it, don't read it, and get a spam filter and live happy ever after.

Forgery is something else. Forgery is a felony and not like talking or writing too much or publishing too much (spam). Forgery is a serious crime and spam is a little nuisance, which can be prevented with a filter. Communication and free speech is a constitutional right.

So, what is the Tilman Hausherr up to by pulling a felony and a constitutional right together into one word? He is up to nothing good, and his idiotic friends even celebrate him for that crap.

Here are some ideas:
1) He tries to criminalize free speech, which fits to him. You will see that he will go after my blog too, despite all I wrote about him is correct.
2) He tries to belittle forgeries on the net. I was forged by others, including his good friend Korey Jerome Kruse, and Hausherr witnessed it and did not correct his friend but rather covered for him. With his new definition, he tries to belittle the serious crime of forgery
3) He intents both, 1) and 2).
4) He tries to be interesting, which he is not.
5) His mind did not develop into that of an adult. Hausherr (in his 40s!) shows himself only in a picture of a little child on his website. His mind might be stuck in that age. This also explains his occupation of figuring out magical tricks of stage masters. I too figured magical tricks out but in age of 7. In any case, Hausherr is not harmless. Who will he stalk and defame next? Santa Claus?

Barbara Schwarz

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