Sunday, December 23, 2007

Tilman Joerg Hausherr and German propaganda

This website:

has an interesting section about the German overreaction against Scientology and persecution of Scientologists. It shows that Tilman Hausherr justifies actions by the German government against Scientologists that remind on the persecution of the Jews:

Specifically it says:

Tilman Hausherr, of course, justifies such practices, even if their parallel with the anti-Jew propaganda of the 30s is obvious.

Tilman Hausherr is cruel and gruesome

The search website provides some of Tilman Hausherr's cruel and gruesome attitude towards others. esp. Scientologists, as I and others. Revealing is also that Hausherr and his peer consider any defense to their libel and defamation "hatred", despite it is always them who throw the first stones by sitting in glass houses.

This website:

has a search engine and reveals some information on Tilman Hausherr.

1) Despite evidence that Tilman Hausherr tries to alienate families, this website came to the conclusion that his website is badly organized, and it will be even more confusing after added the deleted Wikipedia defamation on me.

Tilman Hausherr tells sane people that they need to be involuntary committed but his disability to organize his own website rather shows his very own confusion.

2) It provides evidence that Tilman Hausherr does not even keep a truce with Scientologists over Christmas, and I can absolutely acknowledge it as he posted today, one day before x-mas that he will web the defamatory and libelous website on me that Wikipedia deleted and that was mainly smeared by him and other extremists.

3) It provides evidence how Tilman Hausherr deliberately misinterprets information to make matters fit his (low) purposes, and accordingly, you will understand that he deliberately also misrepresents others and me on his confusing website.

4) It provides evidence of Tilman Hausherr as participant in bestowal of bogus awards for hate purposes.

5) It provides evidence of Tilman Hausherr using disgusting hate slurs against Scientologists, calling them clams. (I as Scientologist swear that I have nothing to do with any clams!)

6) It provides evidence that Tilman Hausherr (and his extreme friends) are plotting to make some minor story within Scientology to its main belief. However, even if it would be main belief (which it is not) it isn't more unbelievable than parts of the bible.

7) It links to a posting mentioning Tilman Hausherr's repreated copyright violation.

8) It mentions Tilman Hausherr defaming the Church of Scientology as murder organization.

9) It shows Tilman Hausherr as supporter of biased reporter Paulette Cooper.

It mentions the flagrant innacuracies of Tilman Hausherr's knowledge of the U.S. legislative system.

11) It mentioned that Hausherr coined the word: sporgeries.
We all know that people are being forged on the Internet, e.g. the message board of Andreas Heldal Lund and esp. on Usenet. Forgeries are felonies. I accuse Tilman Hausherr to belittle the crimes of forgeries by introducing a word that is not covered in the law books for the felony forgery.

12) It links to an affidavit by a Peter Mante, connecting Tilman Hausherr as member of the Karin Spaink gang. Karin Spaink is a known suicide pedlar and her name is cited with at least four deaths! Unbelievable that these people lie that Scientologists are murders. As Hausherr but also Dave Touretzky support Spaink, they must be also naturally in support of Spaink's death bringing activities and what the "Church" of Euthanasia stands for: suicide, sodomy, cannibalism and abortion. Spaink is the webmaster of that "church" who made also perverted fun about the Sept. 11 terror attacks.

Have a look at all of that. Frankly, Tilman Hausherr and his friends give me a real chill down the spine. And these are the people who defame me. Thanks heaven, I do not belong to them and never will.

Hausherr - alienating families

I found a website that shows the extremism of Tilman Hausherr once again. This time, Hausherr tries to alienate families of Scientologists

Hausherr's lies about the ReligiousFreedomWatch

Tilman Hausherr and his supporters constantly claim that the would "libel" them. However, I never have caught that website reporting falsehoods, rather the opposite.

I am an eyewitness to some of the events as described on this website, e.g.
Hausherr's friend Andreas Heldal-Lund and his associate, convicted terrorist Lars Gule acknowledging that they are indeed lecturing together and that they are associates or that there is indeed an envelope from a porn shop that indicates that Dave Touretzky makes his porn toy purchases from his phone at the CMU and that Barbara Graham made the claims that she worked or works for the NSA and posted that she never was a good person, etc. I also witnessed how convicted hate criminal Keith Henson, while he was hiding in Canada from American justice, stalked an American private Scientologist in Hawaii with help of some dupes in Hawaii and how Henson smeared his victim and published his photos on the net. And I noticed how these extremists tried to undermine Tom Cruise's legacy of being a critic of psychiatry by collecting money on Usenet and making a payment to psychiatry under Tom Cruise's name. Hausherr's friend Touretzky was one of those who supported this lawless activity.

Naturally, having witnesses these activities, I came to the conclusion that the RFW does not libel but reports truthfully about these anti-religious extremists. Moreover, Tilman Hausherr and his friends would have sued the if they would indeed libel. Two of the anti-religious extremists are lawyers, and the anti-religious extremists are opportunists and would love to get their hands on millions of dollars or even just one dollar. These anti-religious attorneys would help their fellow anti-religious extremist for free - but as to my knowledge no such lawsuit was brought against the and most certainly no such lawsuit was won.

Hausherr's low harassment purposes

This shows what kind of person Tilman Hausherr is. One day before X-mas, he harassed me with this posting on Usenet:

"I did save the cached wikipedia article before Fred Bauder's* deletion,
and also one cached version before the latest deletion. What I'm
planning to do, is to publish this article if the one on wikipedia isn't
restored. My PageRank is pretty good, so the website is likely to be on

*Fred Bauder is an admin for Wikipedia and a lawyer. He wrote that about the Wikipedia article that mainly Tilman and his supporters wrote to harass me:

# Delete - An embarrassment to Wikipedia. It has proved impossible to
maintain the article appropriately. Whatever her supposed notability,
Barbara Schwarz is not a public figure. Her privacy should be be
respected. Fred Bauder 15:29, 11 March 2007 (UTC) -- End of quote.

# Keep deleted -The article and its talk page has had to be deleted
before. The subject is interesting, but any article about her (Barbara
Schwarz) soon includes nasty and controversial information that is poorly
referenced. It is a running sore and a black mark on Wikipedia's
reputation and integrity. Fred Bauder (talk) 03:27, 20 December 2007
(UTC)- End of quote.

The U.S. Department of State vs. Germany

Tilman Joerg Hausherr works on secret German government mission to destroy my religion Scientology. Similarly as L. Ron Hubbard and other Scientologists, I am also the target of a defamation campaign by the German secret service and their agents, as Hausherr and his supporters, habitual offender Korey Jerome Kruse, registered sex slave and felon Brian ("Brielle") J. Bruns of the AHBL, convicted hate criminal Keith Henson or Dave Touretzky who has bomb instructions on the net.

The only reason why these notoriously intolerant people defame me is because I am a Scientologist.

Here is what the U.S. Department of State says:

The government of Germany is once again listed as wrongly stigmatizing certain religions, the result of which has been numerous violations of parishioner’s human rights.

The report states:

“The Basic Law (Constitution) provides for religious freedom; however, the Government does not recognize Scientology as a religion and views it as an economic enterprise. Concerns that Scientology’s ideology is opposed to a democratic state have led to the screening of firms and individuals in some sectors of business and employment. The federal and state Offices for the Protection of the Constitution, “watchdog” agencies tasked with monitoring groups whose ideologies are deemed to be counter to the democratic order, have been “investigating” the Church of Scientology and Scientologists for approximately 4 years. During that time there have been no prosecutions or convictions of Scientology officials in the country, and the investigation has uncovered no concrete evidence that the Church is a “security” threat.

“In 1997 the Federal Administrative Court in Berlin upheld a decision of the 1993 Berlin State government not to grant “public law corporation” status to the Jehovah’s Witnesses, on the grounds that they did not offer “indispensable loyalty” to the democratic state. On December 19, 2000, upon appeal, the Constitutional Court found in favor of Jehovah’s Witnesses, remanding the case back to the Federal Administrative Court in Berlin. For the first time, the Constitutional Court had examined the conditions for granting the status of a public law corporation and found that for reasons of the separation of church and state, “loyalty to the state” cannot be a condition imposed on religious communities. The Constitutional Court tempered the victory for Jehovah’s Witnesses by instructing the Berlin Administrative Court to examine whether Jehovah’s Witnesses use coercive methods to prevent their members from leaving the congregation and whether their child-rearing practices conform to German human rights standards. The case had not been resolved by the end of the period covered by this report.”

U.S. Actions Taken:

“The U.S. Government expressed its concerns to state and federal authorities over infringement of individual rights because of religious affiliation posed by the screening of foreign firms for possible Scientology affiliation. In these discussions, U.S. officials pointed out that the use of so-called “sect filters” to prevent persons from practicing their professions is an abuse of their rights, as well as a discriminatory business practice. The government of Germany subsequently changed the language of its sect filters, so that firms owned, managed by, or employing Scientologists could bid on government contracts.”

Hausherr, employed by Siemens and OPC connection

Tilman Joerg Hausherr, (born 1965) resides in Berlin, Germany is a computer geek and employed by company Siemens. The German secret service OPC acknowledges a cozy relationship with Siemens.

Tilman Joerg Hausherr's wife Ilse Hruby told others during harassment of Scientologists that Tilman would be in secret German mission in the USA. Spying and secret missions of a foreign secret service on American soil violates federal laws and the security of the USA. The most severe penalty for spies who work against the USA is the death penalty.

Hausherr's comany Siemens sold six lithotriptors to the Iraqis a few years back. Each lithotriptor contains a small electronic high performance switch, which is the same switch that is used to detonate nuclear weapons. Saddam wanted to buy about 200 extra switches for spare parts. Instead of coming clean, Siemens refused to answer if they have mailed him the instruments for mass destructions.

In my opinion, this refusal to answer is a clear yes. Question is also why Siemens develops medical equipment with the dual purpose for war and mass destruction.
The answer shouldn't be that difficult in view of the German secret services' cozy relationship with Siemens. These days, Germany likes to position itself as anti-war but the reality does not confirm that at all.

Read more in the next posting