Monday, December 24, 2007

German agent and American enemy Tilman Hausherr

Another document reveals that Tilman Hausherr, a German national, conspired with Jacobsen and others to hurt tourism in Clearwater, in other words to destroy the city’s economy.

When begged by a Clearwater resident not to hurt Clearwater tourism Hausherr responded and we quote:

“I think it is a good idea to hurt tourism.”

That’s not all Hausherr said. He wanted to make it look like the Church of Scientology had hurt the tourism and not the hate marchers.

Let’s hear it from Hausherr himself what the real plan is:

“If the city finds out that tourism isn’t going well because of scientology, they would do more against them.”

A cohort of Hausherr backed Hausherr completely and also attacked the City Council and members of the Clearwater community.


Hausherr's sporgery crap...

He "coins" a word that babies babble before they can speak.

I never used his dumb word, and this little creepy German agent isn't allowed to crawl in my way of thinking. He pulled the words spam and forgery together. And they don't fit together. I explain it to you:

nobody likes an e-mail account full with unsolicited e-mail - but spam filters can take care of that. The Gmail spam filter is really good.

The anti-spam craze on the Internet has taken over, despite that numerous American judges rightfully recognized that anti-spam laws are unconstitutional as people have a right to speak out. What one person understands as spam is the other person's right to speak up. The solution to "spam" is easy. If you don't want to read it, don't read it, and get a spam filter and live happy ever after.

Forgery is something else. Forgery is a felony and not like talking or writing too much or publishing too much (spam). Forgery is a serious crime and spam is a little nuisance, which can be prevented with a filter. Communication and free speech is a constitutional right.

So, what is the Tilman Hausherr up to by pulling a felony and a constitutional right together into one word? He is up to nothing good, and his idiotic friends even celebrate him for that crap.

Here are some ideas:
1) He tries to criminalize free speech, which fits to him. You will see that he will go after my blog too, despite all I wrote about him is correct.
2) He tries to belittle forgeries on the net. I was forged by others, including his good friend Korey Jerome Kruse, and Hausherr witnessed it and did not correct his friend but rather covered for him. With his new definition, he tries to belittle the serious crime of forgery
3) He intents both, 1) and 2).
4) He tries to be interesting, which he is not.
5) His mind did not develop into that of an adult. Hausherr (in his 40s!) shows himself only in a picture of a little child on his website. His mind might be stuck in that age. This also explains his occupation of figuring out magical tricks of stage masters. I too figured magical tricks out but in age of 7. In any case, Hausherr is not harmless. Who will he stalk and defame next? Santa Claus?

Barbara Schwarz

Hausherr's friend Caberta "honored to be called Goebbels"

Ursula Caberta y Diaz wpe8.jpg (7122 bytes)

Ursula Caberta y Diaz bragged in a interview given to the LA Times she considered it as an "honor" that she has been called the new "Goebbels".

She may have earned this title. Since 1992 Mrs. Caberta is paid by the State of Hamburg to destroy the Religion Scientology in Germany. In this almost seven years she is spreading lies and defamation about minority religions in Germany. She was also a member of the infamous "Enquete Commission" that raised concerns about the state of democracy in Germany throughout the world.

Her anti religious activities are paid by and fully funded by the state of Hamburg. A flagrant violation of the German constitution that demands neutrality of the Government in matters of religion.

Her main political agenda includes:

bulletintroducing so called "sect filters" in private and public businesses to prevent members of minority religions to be able to get a job.
bulletintroduce government regulations into self help groups and religious counseling. An attempt to destroy religious freedom through the backdoor.


Hausherr is too biased to understand this:

Dear Reader,

Prejudice, intolerance and denial of human rights have at all times led to less survival for a group or mankind as such.

Any democratic society has to defend the human rights for his citizens in order to survive and prosper.

The last time these rights were trampled with feet in Germany the result was a major catastrophe for Germany and the world.

In the Germany of today things happen the civilized world hoped would never happen again.

Due to racial and hatred instigated crimes dozens of human beings get killed in Germany each year. This includes children and women.

An atmosphere of intolerance and bigotry has created conditions in Germany that make it impossible for families to grow their children, get work or have a normal existence.

As all democracies have their problems there is an important difference in Germany. The intolerance and hatred in the society is instigated by parts of the German Government. The German constitution and international binding treaties are violated on a ongoing basis by parts of the German Government.

German Government officials even conspire to violate the law and act against rulings of German courts.

So parts of the German Government act as if they were above the law.

When you read the documentation's provided on this web site, you will find similarities with a dark part of Germany's history. Now it is the time to stop history to repeat itself. So your help is needed.

At one of the most recent elections for a state parliament a neo-nazi party won 13% of all votes with racist paroles. They had more votes than the green party or the liberal party........


Hausherr's thinking governed by Hitler pattern

A German website describes Tilman Hausherr as fascist consumed with hatred, and that is as I learned to know him too.

Tilman Hausherr tilman3.jpg (12736 bytes)

A computer programmer of little importance, but an example for the growing influence of fascistic thinking in Germany.

Since years Tilman Hausherr has dedicated his life to produce and distribute hatred on endless convoluted and even more confused web pages. His "work" now amounts to more than 24000 messages and web pages dedicated to hatred and intolerance.

The phenomenon of a Tilman Hausherr is not a isolated case and also not new in history.

Isn’t hatred is the common denominator of fascistic thinking? At least it is not based on rationale or any impulse to help or improve but solely motivated to create destruction.

Like other fascists Tilman Hausherr lives in a black and white world. In his reduced view the object of his hatred is always evil at best. Everything against it is good, - even crimes and proven lies are welcome and justified. He is an artist to contradict himself within the same paragraph, if it only allows him to verbally rave and scream against the Scientology religion.

On the other side people who do not share his reduced views earn his relentless attack and his best effort for defamation.

Isn’t Tilman Hausherr just an example for the rising fascism in Germany and a warning sign for a decay of democracy in Germany? We do not think skinheads behind computer monitors deserve more attention then the skinheads on the streets. But we find in this light, that his web site is an excellent object for studies on the mindset of ordinary fascism. He is an outstanding example because of the sheer volume of material presented and his obsession with the subject.

70 years ago Adolf Hitler was consumed by his hatred for Jews. He had chosen them as the object of blame for all the misery of his life. While Tilman Hausherr is not a new Hitler, his work shows he is governed by the same psychological patterns. Many German people in the 1920’s were laughing about this irrational "crazy person from Austria". Didn’t in the end his hatred had consumed not only himself, but 60 million lives of innocent people in Europe?

Tilman Hausher claims he is paid by Siemens for his work as programmer and insists he does not receive money from the OPC, but is paying his communication and internet bills out of his own pocket. We hope this is true.

It would be a shame if German Industry or Government would be again involved in financing fascistic activities.


Hausherr is violating copyrights and degrading others

Hausherr is violating copyrights and degrading others

In 1998, attorneys representing the Church of Scientology sent a letter to Hausherr, telling him to remove altered Scientology images from his Web site. Hausherr had altered copyright-protected
images belonging to the Church including changing the Scientology "S" to a dollar sign,
as well as elongating the nose of the president of the organization, an image intended to
evoke comparison to Pinocchio. In the course of the dispute Compuserve, which was hosting the pages
and altered images, blocked his website for TOS violation. Hausherr defended his site,
saying "It's just a page making fun of Scientology..."

He also makes "fun" on me by trying to destroy my life with defamation and falsehoods.

His flattering Wikipedia profile was mainly written by himself and his very close friends as habitual offender Korey Jerome Kruse aka Vivaldi.

How things are organized in Hausherr's Germany

On June 20, 2007, a press conference was held in the Berlin Parliament House involving speakers Ursula Caberta, Thomas Gandow, and Mr. Schiemann, member of the Office for the Protection of the Constitution (German domestic intelligence).

A surprise guest was a man who claimed to be a former long-time Scientologist from the Church of Scientology of Buffalo, New York – Christian Markert. Markert was touted as having information about internal Church matters.

In view of the fact that renowned hate mongers Ursula Caberta and David Touretzky were connected to Markert’s sudden appearance on the anti-religious scene, Religious Freedom Watch investigated the matter.

We began with “Who is Christian J. Markert?” since only a handful of people in Buffalo had ever heard of him. Markert claims that he was born in Dinslaken, Germany. He also claims that he attended Robert Kennedy University in Los Angeles, California, from 1989 to 1993 and obtained an MBA degree. No such university exists.

Markert claimed he attended a private Junior High School in Los Angeles from 1980 to 1989, called Abitur. However, he also claimed that he attended Gymnasium Voerde in Germany from 1980 to 1989. How could he possibly attend both schools in the same time period in two different parts of the world? These are only a few of the inconsistencies that appear as one gathers up the countless stories Markert told to various people after he landed on Scientology’s doorstep in March of 2007 – stories that smack of a hastily rehearsed background fabricated by someone with something to hide.

Markert had come from overseas and boasted to several people in Buffalo that he was a successful businessman in Ireland, where he managed a company called Creaventure Consulting. To bolster this story, Markert claimed that one of his company’s clients had deposited 3 million Euros into their account to secure his company’s services, but that the Irish Revenue Service thought it was profit, which triggered, according to Markert, a tax investigation into Creaventure Consulting. Markert claimed that Creaventure Consulting went from 200,000 Euros in income to 22 million Euros in just three years, which also prompted a full audit of his company. Markert explained that there were 25 agents from the Irish Revenue Service doing the audit. But when Religious Freedom Watch had their correspondent in Ireland look into Creaventure Consulting, including official public records, there was no such company in existence or previously operating in Ireland.

The only evidence that could be found of Creaventure Consulting was the domain name,, which was registered on the internet in January of 2007, just a few weeks before Christian Markert began his brief involvement in Scientology which ended in June of 2007.

Does Creaventure Consulting only exist in the mind of Christian Markert? Or was it created for him by a few bungling individuals who hoped to place him as a “plant” within a Church for just a few months in the hope of gaining information that could be later spun into something that appeared incriminating? It certainly wouldn’t be the first time such a ploy has been used by would-be extortionists and their like.

Markert made many claims to Buffalo church personnel to try to appear as though he had a history in Scientology. He claimed that he was a member of a Church of Scientology in Ireland but, when inquires were made, not a single record could be found to support Markert’s claim. Markert also claimed that he had donated an exorbitant amount of money to the Church in Ireland. That also proved to be a complete fabrication. In fact, no one in Ireland had ever heard his name.

It appears that, in order to gain acceptance by Church members during his brief few months in Buffalo, Markert gave several entirely fabricated versions of having a history in Scientology. He told some people he was a Scientologist for 15 years, others for 10 years, still others for 7 years. The fact of the matter is that Christian Markert was never a Scientologist, he just infiltrated the Church under false pretenses and he was sent in with specific marching orders.

Who are the “handlers” of this wannabe spy?

Consider the timeline: Markert’s company name “Creaventure” first appears on the internet as a domain name registered on January 21, 2007. Five weeks later, on March 1st, Markert makes his first contact with Scientology at the Buffalo, New York, church. A mere four months after that, German native Christian Markert appears in Berlin at a press conference conveniently arranged by government official, Ursula Caberta, in support of her long-time campaign of slander against the Church of Scientology.

Concurrent with the end of Markert’s “career” as a bookseller in Scientology, a couple of extremists chronicled in the Anti-Religious Extremists section of Religious Freedom Watch began making claims about some dramatic event that was going to occur involving a former Scientology staff member.

Prior to the press conference in Berlin, David Touretzky announced from Carnegie Mellon University, that he was in contact with “an anonymous source” within the Church. Some days later Chuck Beatty, an apostate of Scientology, tried to tell a “dramatic” story of how he helped Christian Markert to “escape” from Buffalo and hid him away at his sister, Linda Kirkhart’s house in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, while arrangements were being made to fly him back to Germany.
In fact this was a pre-planned infiltration designed to create a sensational story at that 20th of June 2007 press conference in Berlin – and the perpetrator needed a lift to the airport.

The “imagineers” of this attempted drama are extremists who spend most of their waking hours slandering the Church in the most vicious of terms with a devotion that only paid agent provocateurs can muster. Unfortunately for them, Markert, their wannabe spy, whom they spirited off to Berlin for this dramatic press conference, had nothing to show for his efforts except Scientology news that any staff member in the world could provide, even though Market did his level best to put an anti-religious spin on it.

“Getaway Driver”

“I drove from Pittsburgh to Buffalo, last Wednesday morning, picked up Christian [Markert], who had blown Buffalo staff and I picked him up and we went up to Niagra Falls for a late lunch, saw the American Falls at least, then came back to Pittsburgh, and he stayed here at my sister’s place for a couple days, then I got him to JFK, and then he got to Germany and to Ursula’s [Caberta] competent hands, etc.” – Chuck Beatty

In the attempt to make their amateurish spy operation seem successful, Chuck Beatty also broadcasted the following statement on the Internet, “Christian [Markert] was already a high level successful consultant (making hundreds of thousands of Euros per year)…He [Markert] became a Scientologist, helped the Dublin Mission, joined Mission staff there, donated tons of money for Dublin to get their building, then he volunteered to even help out at higher levels of staff …”.

It seems Beatty really wanted to ensure that people out there believed the prefabricated story about Markert being a successful businessman who became a Scientologist, doing it in such a way as to leave little doubt in our minds that he and other extremists had a hand in its manufacture.

Christian Markert’s “hideout” in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

But let’s go back a couple of months and specifically to April 2007 when Chuck Beatty met with Ursula Caberta in Hamburg, Germany. What was the purpose of the meeting between these extremists and what did Beatty and Caberta plan? It is of interest that Markert infiltrated the Church only a month prior and would soon be in need of someone to help orchestrate his “dramatic” exit from Scientology – or at least give him a ride to the airport just in time for Caberta’s press conference in Berlin. The Church of Scientology there is expanding in greater numbers than ever before, an expansion that Germany’s OPC (Office for the Protection of the Constitution) has worked hard to thwart for decades. Whatever the plan, it seems Beatty, Caberta and Touretzky didn’t think it all the way through. As is usual with a story strung together by lies, eventually it backfires on the perpetrators: David Touretzky, Ursula Caberta and their go-for, Chuck Beatty, used a convicted criminal to infiltrate the Church.



A simple search for Christian Markert on the worldwide web reveals that Markert was convicted in France for fraud and was also extradited to Germany for crimes he committed in that country.

Markert’s Criminal History

Here is a glimpse of Christian Markert’s fraudulent activities in both France and Germany:

12 June 1997, the Trial Court of Meaux (Paris, France) convicts Christian Markert of fraud and sentences him to 18 months in jail.

February 1997, German authorities issue an arrest warrant against Christian Markert, based on a 9 April and 29 November 1996 warrant issued by the court in Essen, Germany. The first warrant cites five instances of Markert’s illegal activities. The second, expanded warrant includes eight counts for various forms of fraud.

18 June 1997, Christian Markert is officially notified of the various outstanding arrest warrants in Germany.

10 July 1997, the German court issues an extradition request against Christian Markert.

June 1998, Christian Markert brings a case before the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) against France. His case was not accepted by the European Court.

13 August 1998, Christian Markert is officially notified of the extradition request.

3 May 1999, Christian Markert is extradited to Germany.

This is just scratching the surface of the documents easily available on the internet that evidence Markert’s history of fraud and criminality. If Religious Freedom Watch could find this evidence, so could computer expert David Touretzky and government official, Ursula Caberta. One must assume that they did.

It would be hard to believe that Ursula Caberta, with all her government intelligence contacts, did not know Markert was a criminal. Both Ursula Caberta and the OPC are very well aware that it is illegal to spy on a foreign country or a foreign organization. David Touretzky is employed by Carnegie Mellon University and receives US Government funds to supposedly study and experiment on rat brains. Instead he may have used resources funded by taxpayers to aid and abet a German government official and a convicted criminal in their efforts to spy on a US based Church. Chuck Beatty, is an accessory to all this, although he is motivated by hatred for his former religion. It is not known if Linda Kirkhart, Beatty’s sister, played any role in this operation besides innocent host her brother and Markert.

Was Markert promised some sort of a deal by Caberta and/or by the German government in exchange for infiltrating the Church of Scientology in Buffalo, New York, and causing havoc? Is this why Chuck Beatty traveled to Hamburg in the midst of this operation and then had to personally drive Markert from Buffalo to Pittsburgh and hide him away at Linda Kirkhart’s house until he flew off to decorate Caberta’s press conference?


German agents Caberta and Hausherr

Ursula Caberta is an employee of the Ministry of the Interior for the State of Hamburg, in Germany. The rights of religious minorities have come under attack in Germany in recent years causing the United States Department of State to formally admonish the German government for enacting legislation which violates international standards of human rights. Caberta is a driving force behind this anti-religious movement in Germany.

Caberta was responsible for hosting an annual “award” which was created for those who engage in anti-religious activities. Named the “Alternative Charlemagne Award,” it mocks Germany’s official Charlemagne Award which is presented yearly to international figures (such as former President Bill Clinton) who promote European unity and world peace. Caberta’s “award,” on the other hand, recognizes and encourages those who promote divisiveness and the persecution of religious minorities.

On January 14, 2003, the Hamburg Administrative Court issued a preliminary injunction prohibiting the Interior Ministry from allowing Caberta from repeating certain public statements of a false and derogatory character about the Church of Scientology.

The Churches brought the case on the grounds that Caberta should be restrained as she has blatantly violated her duty of neutrality as a government employee - evidenced by her having personally received on June 26, 2000 a sum of $75,000 from a private individual who at that time was funding anti-Scientology litigation in the United States.

Under German law, a government employee may be sentenced for up to three years if the individual accepts an advantage for oneself in exchange for the execution of an official function on another’s behalf. A penal investigation regarding this matter resulted in Ms. Caberta being fined 7,500 euros in June 2002. The Ministry apparently made no requirement that Caberta pay back the money: Nor did it restrain her due to the obvious conflict in any way.

The Hamburg Administrative Court, in its January 14, 2003 decision, found the loan and the circumstances under which it was given constituted a violation of neutrality. Caberta, the Court noted:

“has not shown the slightest indication that she understands the inadmissibility of the acceptance of private financial support under the legal provisions for how official duties should be conducted.”

The Court also made an unequivocal statement criticizing the Interior Ministry for failing to take strong and effective action against Caberta.

“However, it is not evident that independent from the penal proceeding, the government has conducted internal administrative investigations on this matter to determine whether Mrs Caberta received the amount of $75,000 from a declared and active Scientology opponent ‘for the performance of duties’ in the meaning of Art. 331 Section 1 Penal Code. Looking at the overall circumstances it would at least have been appropriate to subject Mrs. Caberta, who is not a government official but an employee of the respondent, to a warning pursuant to labor law and to demand she immediately repay the amount of money received within a stated time limit.”

The Hamburg Court found that:

“it would therefore have been urgently required on the part of the respondent [Interior Ministry] to emphatically notify this employee after the respondent learned of the granting of the loan but latest after the end of the penal proceeding, to remind her of her fundamental duty of neutrality as a public employee and, if necessary, to also guarantee this through a proper warning pursuant to labor law.”

Caberta has a long record of hostility and discrimination towards the Scientology religion and its American and German members. On June 4, 1992, while still an MP, she told the Hamburg state parliament that “we will carry on and will free Germany from Scientology.”

More than any other German official, she is responsible for the wide distribution of the “sect filters” that the State Department has frequently criticized as an abuse of human rights.

Indeed, in 2000, a German Scientologist living and working in the United States filed suit against Ms. Caberta after he was presented with her “sect filter” by a German company during contract negotiations. In a subsequent ruling by the U.S. federal court in Tampa, Florida, Magistrate Judge Elizabeth Jenkins condemned Caberta’s behavior throughout the litigation as “evasive”, “unresponsive”, “uncooperative” and “argumentative”, and sanctioned her for non-compliance with court orders.

The U.S. State Department has itself criticized Caberta for human rights abuses against American citizens: She is the “sect commissioner” referred to in the 2000 Annual Human Rights Report for 2000 who made unfounded public accusations against Scientologists.

This is not the first time that German courts have found that Caberta had violated the German Constitution in abusing the rights of Scientologists. In 1994, the Hamburg State Court of Appeals enjoined the Interior Ministry from further distribution of an anti-Scientology booklet. The Court stated:

“The principle of neutrality and tolerance has been violated by the opponent by giving non objective opinions about the doctrine of the applicant… The opponent’s restriction of the fundamental right of the applicant per article 4 subsect 1 and 2 GC is illegal to this extent.”


This website protests what Hausherr works for...

A website protests what Hausherr works for, which is destroying religious rights

German Hausherr pro Eugenics

Tilman Hausherr

Tilman Joerg Hausherr, a German national, is bent on the destruction of religious rights in Germany. While claiming to be solely employed as a software developer, Hausherr somehow manages to spend the vast majority of his time vilifying the practices of minority religions and lobbying to severely restrict the rights of parishioners, if not eliminate them entirely.

In addition to his attacks on other religions, Hausherr has been harassing the Church of Scientology since late 1994. His acts of hatred include making threats against parishioners by posting their names and businesses on the Internet to encourage boycotts, hate “pickets,” and email harassment, participating in hate demonstrations in an effort to intimidate parishioners from entering their Churches, and promoting the “picketing” of schools attended by the children of Scientologists.

While lobbying for the destruction of the Church internationally, Hausherr is particularly devoted to destroying parishioners’ rights in Germany. In his internet postings, Hausherr applauds the psychiatric practice of Eugenics, the concept of creating a “pure” society by removing from it those who are considered “undesirable.” Members of minority religions are high on Hausherr’s list of undesirables and he wastes no opportunity to lobby his government to restrict their rights.

Hausherr is a strong supporter of Ursula Caberta, a Hamburg government official who works diligently to ensure that Scientologists are discriminated against in Germany. This includes harassing companies that hire Scientologists, generating anti-religious press, and lobbying the federal government to take actions to close Churches and affiliated Scientology organizations. One German court held that Caberta could be described as a “human rights violator.” Recently, Caberta was fined for accepting $75,000 from an American anti-religious extremist in conflict with her obligation as a government official to remain neutral and objective (something she has never done).

Hausherr is so extreme as to promote James Randi, a so-called Skeptic dedicated to attacking any belief for which he considers there is insufficient proof. Religion is a favorite target of the Skeptics movement, obviously because many religious beliefs are based in faith. Hausherr has carried his skepticism so far as to participate in attacks on magicians, decrying their entertainments as fraudulent.

Hausherr is given as a “source” on Scientology on at least one internet page of Skeptic’s links, which includes links to Dr. Stephen Barrett one of the earliest psychiatrists to attack Scientology. Hausherr has never been a Scientologist nor, it appears, has he ever made an honest attempt to study and understand the Church doctrines. Hausherr is, however, a strong supporter of psychiatry to the point where he even defends psychiatrists who have been convicted of such crimes as sexually molesting their patients. It is important to note that The Church of Scientology founded the Citizen’s Commission on Human Rights which is devoted to exposing psychiatric crimes and the abuse of psychiatric patients.

Hausherr has attended several conferences given internationally by anti-religious movement organizations. He also works closely with Thomas Gandow, a Lutheran minister active in the movement to oppress the rights of religious minorities in Germany.

Besides attacking Scientology, Hausherr also posts to other internet newsgroups that malign a variety of spiritual beliefs including transcendental meditation and different branches of East Indian religions.

Based on the extent of his anti-religious activities, and a remarkable degree of access to normally restricted information, it is highly suspected that Hausherr in truth works for the German government. He often posts to the Internet detailed personal information about Scientology businessmen in the US and abroad that is not generally made available to the public. Hausherr also works closely with Roger Gonnet, a French anti-religious extremist who appears to have equally remarkable access to French government documents that pertain to religious oppression in France.


Hausherr's connection to Heldal Lund

Norwegian citizen Andreas Heldal-Lund (associated with convicted terrorist Lars Gule) is a key instigator of anti-religious hatred amongst extremists. He does not act purely as an individual, however. Like his fellow hate mongers Tilman Hausherr of Germany and Roger Gonnet of France, Heldal-Lund has links to established organizations that have a specific agenda to discredit religions and bring about their destruction.

Hausherr's connection to Roger Gonnet

Anti-Religious Extremists / Roger Gonnet

Roger Gonnet

On September 11, 2001, thousands of Americans were murdered in a series of terrorist attacks on the Pentagon and World Trade Center. Before a death toll could even be attempted, French anti-religious extremist, Roger Gonnet, was busy exploiting this cowardly terrorist act to spread messages of hatred using the Internet.

Although government and religious leaders throughout the world appealed for a calm, reasoned response to this tragedy, Roger Gonnet seized the opportunity to forward his own fanatic agenda, posting messages laced with anti-religious and anti-American sentiment to a newsgroup frequented by some violent extremists. This deliberate attempt to inflame bigoted individuals into some form of retaliation against religionists in a country still reeling from terrorist attacks, in itself could be considered an act of terrorism. But while despicable, considering Gonnet’s associations and his history, it is unsurprising.

Roger Gonnet is a French national who promotes government control, and the eventual elimination, of all religions. He was part of a burgeoning anti-religious movement in France led by Alain Vivien, former President of France’s now dissolved Interministerial Mission to Fight Against Sects (MILS).

MILS sponsored a law passed by France’s Chamber of Deputies that allows the disbandment any religion whose beliefs the government disagrees with. This law is in violation of the Helsinki Accords, to which France is signatory, and has been condemned by both the United Nations Commission on Human Rights and the U.S. State Department, as well as the Catholic Church, Protestant Churches and numerous religious and human rights organizations.

Roger Gonnet was remarkably well-informed about the activities of MILS to the extent that he was very likely in their employ.

Gonnet has a long history of joining religions then attacking them once he has moved on. He has been a practicing Roman Catholic and a member of the Church of Scientology and later conducted vicious hate campaigns against both. He collects anti-religious propaganda of any nature, against any group, and posts this indiscriminately to his website in what appears to be an effort to whip up hatred against religion in general.

While apparently unemployed, Gonnet is somehow able to travel throughout France intimidating parishioners with hate demonstrations at their Churches. He consorts with copyright anarchist Zenon Panoussis, and anti-religious extremist Gerald Armstrong, who have both had judgments made against them in their own countries. Armstrong fled the U.S., first for Canada, then Europe, after a court levied heavy fines against him for violating the terms of a settlement agreement.

Gonnet has also traveled about Europe meeting with members of other hate organizations. He is closely connected to the anti-religious activities of Hamburg government employee Ursula Caberta in Germany.

Gonnet appears to spend the remainder of his time spreading hate propaganda on a variety of internet newsgroups. Gonnet has a close association with suspected German government operative, Tilman Hausherr, whose hate propaganda appears on French newsgroups translated by Gonnet.

On an English-speaking newsgroup, while discussing bombthreats against the Church of Scientology, Gonnet advocated blowing up Scientology churches. When a bailiff later showed up at his door with a complaint against him for making this bomb threat, Gonnet quickly recanted and claimed he was “just joking.”

Gonnet is a virulent defender of known explosives expert and convicted hate criminal, Keith Henson, who fled the U.S. to avoid sentencing.


Hausherr's connection to Joseph Cisar and Gandow

Joseph Cisar became active in the anti-religious extremist movement in 1997 when he suddenly began posting hate propaganda to an extremist newsgroup, making outrageous accusations against the Church and participating in hate marches in front of Church buildings.Cisar left Germany in the late 1950s when his father moved the family to the U.S. because he worked for an intelligence agency.

Cisar now attacks two prominent social betterment programs. These are Narconon, dedicated to rehabilitating drug addicts, and Criminon, which rehabilitates convicted criminals.

From his first postings to an anti-religious newsgroup, Cisar has been a strong supporter of the German government’s policies of discrimination against religious minorities - policies that have been decried by the U.S. State Department and the United Nations, as a violation of basic human rights.

Click to enlargeCisar & Thomas Gandow in Leipzig, Germany

Joseph Cisar routinely translates hate propaganda circulated in German newspapers, magazines and TV shows, and posts it to English-speaking newsgroups. From the beginning he appears to have had a close association with Tilman Hausherr, an agent provocateur believed to be in the employ of the German government.

Cisar currently maintains two websites where this propaganda is also posted. These sites reveal extensive connections to Anti-Religious Movement groups in Europe. The violent deprogramming tactics of Steven Hassan are also promoted on the site, and he quotes radical sociologist Stephen Kent, whose anti-religious views have been severely criticized by colleagues and religious experts alike.

In 1999, Cisar’s anti-religious writings earned him a cash award of $20,000 US when he won an essay contest sponsored by an anti-religious hate group then based in Florida [the group has since disbanded]. The following spring he hosted a gathering in Leipzig, Germany, presenting the groups financial backer with an “award” for his anti-religious activities against the Church.

Thomas Gandow - Click to enlargeGandow in Leipzig with Cisar

Cisar’s activities on the internet are unusual to the extent that he only posts to extremist newsgroups, and does not engage in discussions about world affairs or other religions as most newsgroup participants tend to do. If he cannot say something derogatory about the Scientology religion, he doesn’t post anything other than translations of German anti-religious propaganda. He seems obsessed with accusations of “totalitarianism” and Nazi tactics - which is, at the very least, ironic considering his participation in hate marches organized by Arnaldo Lerma who maintains close ties to anti-Semite and Holocaust revisionist, Willis Carto, as well as the Utopian Anarchist Party.

Hausherr's hatred creates victims

Recently, a Scientology church received several threatening email messages. The writer was very specific about the violence he intended to inflict on the Church and its leaders. Through liberal use of foul language, he threatened to kill; he threatened to destroy.

Through the excellent cooperation of law enforcement agencies on two continents, the perpetrator was identified and caught. When confronted with the effects his messages created, he confessed and expressed remorse for his actions. He also confessed that the anti-religious propaganda of Jesse Prince, Tilman Hausherr, Andreas Heldal-Lund, Arnaldo Lerma, Jeff Jacobsen, Joseph Cisar and other extremists on the Internet had prompted him to write these messages.

In his sworn confession, the perpetrator wrote:

“As a result of having read those web sites and web pages I felt compelled to take action or do something against Scientology. As there were no Scientologists nearby, I decided to express my hatred by sending threatening e-mails against the Church of Scientology and some of its members.”

“…had I not read all the negative web sites and web pages put on the Internet by the individuals who have been hostile to Dianetics and Scientology I would not have been influenced and compelled to write and send those threatening and foul messages.”

The man was very specific that the climate of hatred created by these web sites created in him the false perception that when it came to Scientology, no act of violence was too great.

“As a result of reading those sites, I felt that anything I wanted to do or say to Scientologists was OK.”

It is precisely this type of marginalizing of a minority group that is used to excuse the inhuman treatment of that minority.

Fortunately, this man was caught before he could carry out his threats and, when confronted with the seriousness of his actions, expressed remorse for the harm he had caused to innocent people he had never met.

“In the last few months, I have had some time to reflect about my actions. I have come to realize that what I did in sending the e-mails described above was wrong.

“I know it is not right to hate people who I do not even know and I am ashamed of having caused harm to others based entirely on what I read about them on the Internet. My only motivation for writing this declaration is to undo any damage that I may have caused to innocent people.”

These excerpts from the sworn statement of this man (whose identity is being withheld to protect him from reprisals from these extremists) provides valuable insight into the mind of one of the victims of this anti-religious Internet hate campaign. It is presented here as an example of the damage done by these extremists so that others may avoid succumbing to their lies.

Below is the declaration upon which this article is based. It has been redacted to protect the declarant from retaliation by anti-religious extremists.
