Tilman Hausherr A computer programmer of little importance, but an example for the growing influence of fascistic thinking in Germany. Since years Tilman Hausherr has dedicated his life to produce and distribute hatred on endless convoluted and even more confused web pages. His "work" now amounts to more than 24000 messages and web pages dedicated to hatred and intolerance. The phenomenon of a Tilman Hausherr is not a isolated case and also not new in history. Isn’t hatred is the common denominator of fascistic thinking? At least it is not based on rationale or any impulse to help or improve but solely motivated to create destruction. Like other fascists Tilman Hausherr lives in a black and white world. In his reduced view the object of his hatred is always evil at best. Everything against it is good, - even crimes and proven lies are welcome and justified. He is an artist to contradict himself within the same paragraph, if it only allows him to verbally rave and scream against the Scientology religion. On the other side people who do not share his reduced views earn his relentless attack and his best effort for defamation. Isn’t Tilman Hausherr just an example for the rising fascism in Germany and a warning sign for a decay of democracy in Germany? We do not think skinheads behind computer monitors deserve more attention then the skinheads on the streets. But we find in this light, that his web site is an excellent object for studies on the mindset of ordinary fascism. He is an outstanding example because of the sheer volume of material presented and his obsession with the subject. 70 years ago Adolf Hitler was consumed by his hatred for Jews. He had chosen them as the object of blame for all the misery of his life. While Tilman Hausherr is not a new Hitler, his work shows he is governed by the same psychological patterns. Many German people in the 1920’s were laughing about this irrational "crazy person from Austria". Didn’t in the end his hatred had consumed not only himself, but 60 million lives of innocent people in Europe? Tilman Hausher claims he is paid by Siemens for his work as programmer and insists he does not receive money from the OPC, but is paying his communication and internet bills out of his own pocket. We hope this is true. It would be a shame if German Industry or Government would be again involved in financing fascistic activities. |
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