Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Usenet thread shows how Hausherr abuses and harasses me

On 23 Dez., 15:17, Tilman Hausherr wrote:
> On Sun, 23 Dec 2007 19:57:43 +0100, TruthSetsYouFree
> wrote:
> >On Sun, 23 Dec 2007 19:21:13 +0100.
> >Tilman Hausherr Wrote:
> >>Re: the discussion on
> >>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Deletion_review/Barbara_Schwarz
> >>I did save the cached wikipedia (sic) article before Fred Bauder's deletion,
> >>and also one cached version before the latest deletion. What I'm
> >>planning to do, is to publish this article if the one on wikipedia (sic) isn't
> >>restored. My Page Rank is pretty good, so the website is likely to be on
> >>top, when one of the people to whom Barbara Schwarz send her
> >>rants, searches for her on the web.
> >>The only thing I need to know: what about copyrights? What text do I
> >>have to use to attribute it properly to wikipedia?
> >>Tilman
> >What copyrights? Wipikedia (sic) deleted it, ergo it is no longer on wikipedia.
> >They can't claim copyrights for something they don't even publish on
> >their site.
> Interesting theory.
> Anyway, here are the 4 versions I saved. This is just temporary.

I don't care about your justification, Tilman Hausherr. Temporary or not. I don't have to take your abuse.

It is libel, defamation and harassment, I tell you herewith once more to take these pages OFF. If you keep them, you will be held responsible under the law, Tilman Joerg Hausherr, and when you do these actions during Siemens working hours, Siemens will end up in legal hot water too.

Moreover, Tilman, people are not as dumb as you want them to be. They find out that Wikipedia removed the libel, defamation, and harassment, and by webbing them, YOU are the libeler, defamer, and harasser.

The OPC really hires the dumbest people as agents, people like you, don't they?

>As soon
> as I see more hateful postings against me, I'll improve the formatting,

I don't allow you to blackmail me. This criminal act just will be added to my Blog. I don't hate you, Tilman. I am not a small disturbed being as you. But you web deleted libel, defamation and falsehoods about me and then you call my defense "hateful". YOU CONSTANTLY THROW THE FIRST STONES, AND THEN YOU ARE UPSET WHEN I DON'T ALLOW YOU TO STEP ALL OVER ME. What is your problem? ARE YOU CRAZY OR WHAT? DOES YOUR IQ NOT LAST TO FIGURE OUT THAT I WILL FIGHT YOU BACK, YOU STALKER AND DEFAMER?

> find a new location,


> remove the wikipedia (sic) links, do some SEO, and submit
> it to search engines.

Thanks for the advanced confession. I guarantee you, you will end up in legal troubles. One day, your beloved Germany will not more protect you but rather gladly agree to your extradition and declare that you did it all on your own and they had nothing to do with it. Your case officer will go in hiding and you will stand alone in court just like some of the Nazis that were caught.

>Maybe I'll even create a Schwarz-o-pedia website

More confession of Tilman, the stalker. Bring it on, Tilman. I am a fighter not a hider. I fight you on your abuse.

> as a resource for the victims

Isn't it typically Tilman Hausherr. He attacks me first and calls himself and his also corrupt friends victims, He turnes everything around. It reminds me of the German Nazis who claimed that they were the victims of the Jews.

>of BarbaraSchwarz, their attorneys,

Attorneys? There is not any attorney in the world who can do something against me because I can prove to anybody how I am defamed, attacked, abused, harassed and libeled by their "clients". An attorney has to act within the law, and as I act within the law, and Tilman and his friends not, THEY ARE IN TROUBLES. BRING IT ON, TILMAN, I AM READY. IT IS TIME THAT YOU ARE BEING CONVICTED. I AM NOT AFRAID OF ANY ATTORNEYS. ONCE THEY GET A LETTER FROM ME, THEY DUMP THEIR CLIENTS AS THEY GET THE PROVE THAT THEIR CLIENTS ARE LAWLESS LIARS AND ABUSERS.

> and
> medical professionals treating her in the future.

Medical professionals. Lol. I don't need a removal of my appendix. I am just fine.

Tilman Hausherr knows that German psychiatry go (just like the psychiatrists in the Soviet Union) after what they consider "enemies" of the state. If you read the news lately, you know that notoriously intolerant Germany goes after Scientologists just like after the Jews in the 30s and early 40s. And after some Scientologists, as me, they go after Jews in the mid 40s, that means involuntary committment for no other reasons but being a Scientologist. He knows that psychiatry is bad and kills used to penalize the innocent and the sane, that is why he wants me "treated". He knows that I fled his fanatical country and that they messed up my health already. I say that Tilman indeed wants my death. That is what his campaign all about. He wants me committed in a German institution and DESTROYED.

A German website (not mine) refers to Tilman Hausherr as a man who thinks like Hitler. They are so right.

Barbara Schwarz

Abusive transsexual BRIAN J, BRUNS aka BURNS aka "Bri", “Brielle” or “Brielle-Jillian”, born on
06/24/81, a “registered sex slave: and owner/webmaster of the abusive ABHL ("Abusive Host Blocking
List") website and the SOSDG ("Summit open source development group") is a CONVICTED FELON. (Felon Indictment # I-1577-02,S-2423-02 and SAPD. Police Report # 05071019). INMATE; BRUNS, BRIAN # 445064.
The ABHL SOSDG is allegedly “non-profit” but stops free speech, blackmails ISPs and defames people.
Bruns lies that the ABHL is non-profit. He hosted the sex pages of his master “Lady-Arielle” who offers one hour of her perversion for over $300,-- profit on the SOSDG server!
Bruns actually HACKED the computers of his former employer Access Highway (http://
accesshighway.com). Bruns was many months incarcerated and has a FBI file. Realists think that Bri (also called “the cheese“) never will change but will go back to prison.


Read also this: http://groups.google.com/group/rattle-users/browse_thread/thread/920c521a661d867a

Bruns retaliates and smears my name also in anonymous Blogspot that is filled with factual lies about me for which he can be sued. It wouldn’t be the first defamation lawsuit brought against him.


Click here for information on Tilman Hausherr:

Here are factual criminal records about Hausherr’s friend, the habitual offender, defamer and forger Korey Jerome Kruse from Olathe, Kansas. I am very certain that Kruse defames himself in ridiculous postings saying about himself that he is convicted Nazi spy, etc. to DISTRACT from his REAL rotten activities and criminal past, which is here:

Monday, December 24, 2007

German agent and American enemy Tilman Hausherr

Another document reveals that Tilman Hausherr, a German national, conspired with Jacobsen and others to hurt tourism in Clearwater, in other words to destroy the city’s economy.

When begged by a Clearwater resident not to hurt Clearwater tourism Hausherr responded and we quote:

“I think it is a good idea to hurt tourism.”

That’s not all Hausherr said. He wanted to make it look like the Church of Scientology had hurt the tourism and not the hate marchers.

Let’s hear it from Hausherr himself what the real plan is:

“If the city finds out that tourism isn’t going well because of scientology, they would do more against them.”

A cohort of Hausherr backed Hausherr completely and also attacked the City Council and members of the Clearwater community.



Hausherr's sporgery crap...

He "coins" a word that babies babble before they can speak.

I never used his dumb word, and this little creepy German agent isn't allowed to crawl in my way of thinking. He pulled the words spam and forgery together. And they don't fit together. I explain it to you:

nobody likes an e-mail account full with unsolicited e-mail - but spam filters can take care of that. The Gmail spam filter is really good.

The anti-spam craze on the Internet has taken over, despite that numerous American judges rightfully recognized that anti-spam laws are unconstitutional as people have a right to speak out. What one person understands as spam is the other person's right to speak up. The solution to "spam" is easy. If you don't want to read it, don't read it, and get a spam filter and live happy ever after.

Forgery is something else. Forgery is a felony and not like talking or writing too much or publishing too much (spam). Forgery is a serious crime and spam is a little nuisance, which can be prevented with a filter. Communication and free speech is a constitutional right.

So, what is the Tilman Hausherr up to by pulling a felony and a constitutional right together into one word? He is up to nothing good, and his idiotic friends even celebrate him for that crap.

Here are some ideas:
1) He tries to criminalize free speech, which fits to him. You will see that he will go after my blog too, despite all I wrote about him is correct.
2) He tries to belittle forgeries on the net. I was forged by others, including his good friend Korey Jerome Kruse, and Hausherr witnessed it and did not correct his friend but rather covered for him. With his new definition, he tries to belittle the serious crime of forgery
3) He intents both, 1) and 2).
4) He tries to be interesting, which he is not.
5) His mind did not develop into that of an adult. Hausherr (in his 40s!) shows himself only in a picture of a little child on his website. His mind might be stuck in that age. This also explains his occupation of figuring out magical tricks of stage masters. I too figured magical tricks out but in age of 7. In any case, Hausherr is not harmless. Who will he stalk and defame next? Santa Claus?

Barbara Schwarz

Hausherr's friend Caberta "honored to be called Goebbels"

Ursula Caberta y Diaz wpe8.jpg (7122 bytes)

Ursula Caberta y Diaz bragged in a interview given to the LA Times she considered it as an "honor" that she has been called the new "Goebbels".

She may have earned this title. Since 1992 Mrs. Caberta is paid by the State of Hamburg to destroy the Religion Scientology in Germany. In this almost seven years she is spreading lies and defamation about minority religions in Germany. She was also a member of the infamous "Enquete Commission" that raised concerns about the state of democracy in Germany throughout the world.

Her anti religious activities are paid by and fully funded by the state of Hamburg. A flagrant violation of the German constitution that demands neutrality of the Government in matters of religion.

Her main political agenda includes:

bulletintroducing so called "sect filters" in private and public businesses to prevent members of minority religions to be able to get a job.
bulletintroduce government regulations into self help groups and religious counseling. An attempt to destroy religious freedom through the backdoor.

Source: http://www.alarmgermany.org/newpage12.htm

Hausherr is too biased to understand this:

Dear Reader,

Prejudice, intolerance and denial of human rights have at all times led to less survival for a group or mankind as such.

Any democratic society has to defend the human rights for his citizens in order to survive and prosper.

The last time these rights were trampled with feet in Germany the result was a major catastrophe for Germany and the world.

In the Germany of today things happen the civilized world hoped would never happen again.

Due to racial and hatred instigated crimes dozens of human beings get killed in Germany each year. This includes children and women.

An atmosphere of intolerance and bigotry has created conditions in Germany that make it impossible for families to grow their children, get work or have a normal existence.

As all democracies have their problems there is an important difference in Germany. The intolerance and hatred in the society is instigated by parts of the German Government. The German constitution and international binding treaties are violated on a ongoing basis by parts of the German Government.

German Government officials even conspire to violate the law and act against rulings of German courts.

So parts of the German Government act as if they were above the law.

When you read the documentation's provided on this web site, you will find similarities with a dark part of Germany's history. Now it is the time to stop history to repeat itself. So your help is needed.

At one of the most recent elections for a state parliament a neo-nazi party won 13% of all votes with racist paroles. They had more votes than the green party or the liberal party........



Hausherr's thinking governed by Hitler pattern

A German website describes Tilman Hausherr as fascist consumed with hatred, and that is as I learned to know him too.

Tilman Hausherr tilman3.jpg (12736 bytes)

A computer programmer of little importance, but an example for the growing influence of fascistic thinking in Germany.

Since years Tilman Hausherr has dedicated his life to produce and distribute hatred on endless convoluted and even more confused web pages. His "work" now amounts to more than 24000 messages and web pages dedicated to hatred and intolerance.

The phenomenon of a Tilman Hausherr is not a isolated case and also not new in history.

Isn’t hatred is the common denominator of fascistic thinking? At least it is not based on rationale or any impulse to help or improve but solely motivated to create destruction.

Like other fascists Tilman Hausherr lives in a black and white world. In his reduced view the object of his hatred is always evil at best. Everything against it is good, - even crimes and proven lies are welcome and justified. He is an artist to contradict himself within the same paragraph, if it only allows him to verbally rave and scream against the Scientology religion.

On the other side people who do not share his reduced views earn his relentless attack and his best effort for defamation.

Isn’t Tilman Hausherr just an example for the rising fascism in Germany and a warning sign for a decay of democracy in Germany? We do not think skinheads behind computer monitors deserve more attention then the skinheads on the streets. But we find in this light, that his web site is an excellent object for studies on the mindset of ordinary fascism. He is an outstanding example because of the sheer volume of material presented and his obsession with the subject.

70 years ago Adolf Hitler was consumed by his hatred for Jews. He had chosen them as the object of blame for all the misery of his life. While Tilman Hausherr is not a new Hitler, his work shows he is governed by the same psychological patterns. Many German people in the 1920’s were laughing about this irrational "crazy person from Austria". Didn’t in the end his hatred had consumed not only himself, but 60 million lives of innocent people in Europe?

Tilman Hausher claims he is paid by Siemens for his work as programmer and insists he does not receive money from the OPC, but is paying his communication and internet bills out of his own pocket. We hope this is true.

It would be a shame if German Industry or Government would be again involved in financing fascistic activities.



Hausherr is violating copyrights and degrading others

Hausherr is violating copyrights and degrading others

In 1998, attorneys representing the Church of Scientology sent a letter to Hausherr, telling him to remove altered Scientology images from his Web site. Hausherr had altered copyright-protected
images belonging to the Church including changing the Scientology "S" to a dollar sign,
as well as elongating the nose of the president of the organization, an image intended to
evoke comparison to Pinocchio. In the course of the dispute Compuserve, which was hosting the pages
and altered images, blocked his website for TOS violation. Hausherr defended his site,
saying "It's just a page making fun of Scientology..."

He also makes "fun" on me by trying to destroy my life with defamation and falsehoods.

His flattering Wikipedia profile was mainly written by himself and his very close friends as habitual offender Korey Jerome Kruse aka Vivaldi.